Mimi ni Mchambuzi (I am an Analyst)
For as long as I can remember I have always had a burning curiosity and an inherent love for numbers. This love led me into learning Finance however, I always struggled with how the numbers were communicated. I always felt if they could be transformed into visuals then, they would convey a more compelling message and the true story would reveal itself.
A few years ago, I started an odyssey to test my hypothesis, “Is it possible to improve communication of numbers by using today’s visualization tools?” The results have been quite intriguing whereby I have unraveled insights that were hidden under the guise of a pile of numbers! I am more than happy to share my work on this platform.
The journey is not yet complete! I feel like I’m at the cradle of something remarkable. Therefore, I welcome you to join me on this ongoing journey to read and share feedback so that we enrich our understanding of business performance.