Jubilee Insurance is an investment holding company primarily operating in the insurance sector; with subsidiaries in Kenya, Burundi, Mauritius, Tanzania, Uganda and Pakistan. The company underwrites life and non-life insurance risks associated with death, disability, health, property and liability. Jubilee Holdings offers general insurance products that cover engineering, fire, marine, motor, personal accident, theft, workmen’s compensation and employer’s liability. The company also issues a portfolio of investment contracts to provide asset management solutions for savings and retirement funds. Other interests include fund management, property development and management, and power generation which includes providing fiber optic broadband cable connectivity services. Its head office is in Nairobi, Kenya. It was founded in 1937 and listed in 1987

Financial Data source: Company’s Annual reports (Check investor relations on the Company’s website)

Company Description source: African Financials

Jubilee Insurance Analysis Interactive Dashboard

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