Standard Group PLC is a major publishing and broadcasting company in Kenya with interests in print, radio and TV and digital media. Well-known brands include The Standard newspaper; the second-largest national newspaper and the flagship product of the publishing group; Kenya Television Network (KTN), a private, independent TV station; KTN News, a 24-hour news channel; Bamba TV; operated via Lancia Digital Broadcasting and offering international and local channels; Radio Maisha, a radio station offering listeners a wide selection of news, entertainment and current affairs programmes; The Nairobian, a leading weekly newspaper; Standard Digital, a leading online publishing platform; Think Outdoor, an outdoor advertising agency placing billboards in strategic sites. The company was founded in 1902 and its head office is in Nairobi, Kenya. The Standard Group Limited is a subsidiary of S.N.G Holdings Limited. It was listed in 1964.

Financial Data source: Company’s Annual reports (Check investor relations on the Company’s website)

Company Description source: African Financials

Standard Group Analysis Interactive Dashboard

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