Express Kenya is a transport and logistics company in Kenya that offers services for goods clearing and forwarding and warehousing. The company transports goods to the major towns and cities in Kenya and depots in South Sudan, North Sudan, Ethiopia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and the DRC. Express Limited operates a diverse fleet comprising trucks, small vans, trailers, low loaders, side loaders, cladded stainless steel tankers and forklifts. The company offers value-added services for its clients which include handing customs documentation for imports and exports; coordinating pick-ups, clearing and door-to-door deliveries; pre-shipment inspections; warehouse logistics, and storing, cleaning and repairing empty containers. A division of Express Limited manages its investments in real estate. Express Kenya was founded in 1918 and listed in 1978.

Financial Data source: Company’s Annual reports (Check investor relations on the Company’s website)

Company Description source: African Financials

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