Kurwitu Ventures Limited is a financial services institution offering Sharia-compliant investment products in Kenya for the personal, commercial and corporate sectors. It is the first company to be listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange which targets Islamic investors. Kurwitu Ventures was founded in 2006 to provide investment management services and was re-positioned in 2012 as a vehicle for Sharia-compliant investments through a restructuring programme. The company focuses primarily on investments in the agricultural sector which is the top foreign exchange earner for Kenya. It does invest in non-agricultural ventures that meet the key Sharia Compliance Test and have the potential to post an attractive return on capital. Kurwitu Ventures is based in Nairobi, Kenya and was listed in 2014.

Financial Data source: Company’s Annual reports (Check investor relations on the Company’s website)

Company Description source: African Financials

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