Nairobi Securities Exchange operates as a securities exchange in Kenya offering an automated platform for the listing and trading of various securities such as debt, equity and derivative securities. It provides clearing and settlement services for transactions in derivative securities through its subsidiary, NSE Clear Limited. It also acts as a central counterparty in derivative securities transactions. Kenya is one of the fastest growing economies in sub-Sahara Africa and NSE plays a vital role in this growth by encouraging savings and investments as well as helping local and international companies access cost-effective capital. The securities exchange operates under the jurisdiction of the Capital Markets Authority of Kenya; is a full member of the World Federation of Exchange; a founding member of the African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA); the East African Securities Exchanges Association (EASEA) and the Association of Futures Market. Nairobi Securities Exchange is a partner exchange in a SSE initiative led by the United Nations. It was founded in 1954 and listed itself in 2014.

Financial Data source: Company’s Annual reports (Check investor relations on the Company’s website)

Company Description source: African Financials

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